News The 21st Winter Training Session of Forum's Annual Methodological Insitute on International Relations will take place in Mytischi, Moscow region, from January 26 to February 4, 2008. This Training Session will focus on "Russia and Its Neighbors" (14.01.2008). Read more... The third workshop in the Forum's "Debating America" series took place in Moscow on December 6, 2007. The keynote presentation was delivered by Prof. Vladimir Pechatnov, Head of American and European History and Politics Department, MGIMO University. Tthe workshop was chaired by Forum Director Prof. Alexei Bogaturov and attended by 25 experts from MGIMO University, Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Sciences as well as the US and Danish Emassies in Moscow (07.12.2007). International Trends journal launched its 2-2007 issue. It is now available online in full Russian text at www.intertrends.ru (25.11.2007). The full Russian text of Tatiana Shakleina's monograph on "Russia and the United States in the New World Order. Debates in Russian and American Political and Academic Communities (1992-2002)", (Moscow: Institute for the US and Canadian Studies, 2002, 445 pp.) is now available at the Forum's website (05.06.2007) The four-volume "Systemic History of International Relations. Events and Documents. 1918-2003" edited by Alexei Bogaturov and published by the Forum in 2000-2004 was awarded the prestigious Evgeniy V. Tarle Memorial Prize for Outstanding Achievements in the Study of Diplomatic History. The decision was made by the Tarle Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences in December 2006. The Prize honored the work accomplished by Professor Bogaturov and his co-authors, such as Tatiana Shakleina of the Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies and Zoya Belousova of the Institute of General History. (22.12.2006) The 19th training session of Forum's Winter Methodological Institute of International Relations will be held in Voronezh on January 26 - February 4, 2006. (10.12.2006) Forum has launched its Occasional Paper Series - "Essays on Current Politics". The first two papers have now been published. Evgeniy Primakov, Marc Khrustalev. Methodology of Situation Analyses. Issue 1-2006, 28 pp. Igor Zevelev, Mikhail Troitskiy. Power and Influence in U.S.-Russian Relations. A Semiotic Analysis. Issue 2-2006, 72 pp. (10.09.2006) Forum's Summer Institute of International Relations was held in Smolensk on 19-28 August 2006. Its Russian program is available here. The full electronic version of "Systemic History of International Relations" (in Russian) is available online free of charge on the Forum's website. The second edition of "Systemic History of International Relations" was launched in August 2006 by Kulturnaya Revolutsiya Publishers. The two volumes are available at Moscow's largest bookstores - "Moskva", "Dom Knigi" and "Biblio-Globus". |
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