publications series since 2002 has featured:
- "International
Trends" journal
- Occasional Paper Series - "Essays on Current Politics"
Evgeniy Primakov, Marc Khrustalev. Methodology of Situation Analyses.
Issue 1-2006, 28 pp.
Zevelev, Mikhail Troitskiy. Power and Influence in U.S.-Russian Relations.
A Semiotic Analysis. Issue 2-2006, 72 pp.
The two final volumes of “Systemic History
of International Relations. 1918-2003” (the first two volumes
were published in 2000-2001).
Volume I - full Russian text
Volume 2 - full Russian text
3 - full Russian text
It is a comprehensive four-volume
study of the evolution of international community since World War
I to the present. Volumes are edited by Alexei Bogaturov. Volumes
I and III analyze events and trends that occurred in international
relations over the last 85 years, while Volumes II and IV provide
selected historic documents aiming to enrich the historical analysis.
“Systemic History” is a
pioneering attempt to provide Russian readers with a thick description
of the manifold relationships among nations, regional subsystems and
issues that shaped the world politics in the 20th century.
The book is accepted as
a student text-book in major Russian university centers of Moscow,
Saint-Petersburg, Nizhni Novgorod, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Vladivostok,
Barnaul, Irkutsk, Ivanovo, Kursk, Kemerovo, Tver, Volgograd, Krasnodar,
Kaliningrad, Ufa, Kazan, Yaroslavl. It is also used in the National
University of Kazakhstan (Astana) and Belarus National University
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Ïðîñ÷åòû ñîâåòñêîãî ïëàíèðîâàíèÿ è áóäóùåå Ðîññèè (Moscow:
AEFIR, 2005. 328 p.) - Russian translation of: Fiona Hill,
Clifford Gaddy, The Siberian Curse. How the Communist Planners Left
Russia Out in the Cold, (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution
Press, 2003)
full Russian text
This pioneering work by
two prominent American students of Russia was originally published
in English by Brookings Institution Press in Washington, DC in 2003.
The Forum undertook a translation of the study into Russian and published
it in Moscow in early 2007. The book examines how the distribution
of Russia's productive forces across its territory has affected the
country's 20th-century economic development. The authors employ original
methodology allowing to quantify the impact of cold winter temperatures
on labor force and industrial equipment. They conclude that the current
density of industrial enterprises and concentration of permanent residents
in the Russian Siberia require massive yet hidden subsidies that have
become a significant and largely redundant burden of the Russian budget.
Alexei Bogaturov, Nikolai Kosolapov, and
Marc Khrustalev, Essays on the Theory and Political Analysis of International
Relations, (Moscow: AEFIR, 382 p.)
Three prominent Russian
analysts provide a valuable guide to the current theoretical debates
and research methodology in the field of international relations.
The book traces the evolution of various IR theoretical concepts over
the decade following the collapse of bi-polarity. Authors highlight
the impact the Western scholarship produced on Russian academia, but
at the same time seek to convey the essence of “internal” Russian
debates on such issues as democratic transitions and foreign policy
or the contending visions of Russia’s relations with the Euro-Atlantic
- Tatiana A. Shakleina, Russia and the United States in the
New World Order. Debates in Russian and American Political and Academic
Communities, (Moscow: Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies,
2002. 445 pp.)
Russian text
This book by the prominent
Russian student of US foreign relations Tatiana Shakleina analyzes in
retrospect the Russian and American post-bipolar views on international
politics and Russian-American relations. The brilliant summary of the
most influential ideas and concepts provided by Professor Shakleina
spares analysts of US-Russian relations the need to review tremendous
amounts of relevant publications in both English and Russian.
The book was widely praised by both Russian and American academics and
is extensively used in the teaching of Russian Foreign Policy and US-Russian
Relations at many universities in Russia and the neighboring states.
Mikhail Troitski, The Transatlantic Union
1991-2004. Transformation of the U.S.—European Partnership in the
Post-Bipolar World, (Moscow: Institute for the U.S. and Canadian
Studies, AEFIR, 2004. 252 p.)
full Russian text
The book discusses the adaptation
of the U.S.-European alliance to the post-bipolar international realities.
Over the last fifteen years,
the unity between the two sides of the Atlantic has faced a triple
challenge of the diminishing common threat, the emergence of the European
Union as a major international power center and the growing inclination
towards unilateralism on the part of U.S. administrations.
In the 1990s, the United
States took the leading role in reshaping the partnership between
Washington and its NATO allies in Europe. The Clinton Administration
responded with a “programming” policy towards the European allies
in 1994-1999. Programming leadership” implied promoting U.S.-European
joint projects that were meant to consolidate the transatlantic unity
and prevent American and European strategies from diverging. These
projects included NATO’s eastward enlargement, development of the
concept of “out-of-area” operations by the Alliance and NATO’s involvement
in humanitarian missions in Europe and beyond.
Cooperation between the
United States and its European allies was boosted by the rise of terrorist
threat after 9/11. Yet the unwillingness of the Bush Administration
to prioritize transatlantic partnership over its immediate policy
goals and the consequent rift over Iraq in 2002-2003 dealt a new blow
to the U.S.-European partnership. In the wake of the 2003 military
campaign in Iraq, the United States and Europe confront a common agenda
of stabilizing the Middle East and Central Asia while continuing to
expand the Euro-Atlantic community to the East and South-East of Europe.
From the World Order of Empires
to an Imperial World Order, edited by Fedor Voitolovsky,
Pavel Gudev, Eduard Soloviev, (Moscow: AEFIR, 2005. 204 p.)
The book analyses the evolution of world order patterns
from the late 19th to the early 21st centuries. Special attention
is given to the main functions of each of the three consecutive forms:
world orders of empires, superpowers and an imperial world order.
Authors have also sought to highlight the ideas underpinning each
of the three world orders.
Marat Cheshkov, Global Studies as a Scholarly Discipline.
Essays on the Theoretical and Terminological Foundations,
(Moscow: AEFIR, 2005. 224 p.)
The study by a prominent Russian methodologist of
international relations identifies the scope of global studies as
a discipline and outlines its evolution to date as a particular field
of inquiry. Global studies revolve around the core notion of "globality"
which embraces the trends of merging and separation as well as universalist
and particularist tendencies in operation across the whole spectrum
of social activity. The structure of the discipline includes a methodological
"core" and a number of mid-range theoretical constructs.
The author has sought to stimulate thinking about an optimal balance
of world forces and a judocious stance Russia should assume in the
era of "strong disequilibrium". The author argues that the
Russian public conciousness needs to overcome the inclination towards
a purely negative perception of globalization and its implications
for Russia.
Stability and Conflict in Russia's Borderland.
Ethno-Political Situation in the Caucasus and Siberia, edited
by Victor Dyatlov and Sergey Riazantsev, (Moscow: AEFIR, 2005. 345
The collective monograph appeared as a result of a Forum collaborative
research project carried out by the Forum network participants from
Central Russia, the Caucasus and Siberia. The book analyzes factors
of inter-ethnic tensions and potential for cooperation among the various
ethnic groups living in the border regions of the Caucasus and Siberia.
The authors explore how the "ethnic factor" affects socio-economic
development in the regions that have special geo-economic and strategic
importance for Russia. The analysis is based upon extensive field
research, the authors employ sound interpretation techniques.
Security and Trans-Border Cooperation
in Russia’s New Borderlands, edited by Sergei Golunov and
Leonid Vardomsky, (Moscow: AEFIR. 572 p.)
Russian text
The collective monograph
appeared as an outcome of a network research project led by the Forum.
Fourteen contributors from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus analyzed the
evolution of trans-border cooperation between Russia and her immediate
neighbors since the emergence of fifteen newly independent states
– former Soviet republics. The analysis is based on sound methodology
and supported by comprehensive field research undertaken in Russia’s
new borderline areas on the Caucasus and in Western Siberia.
Yuri Galenovich, China and the 9/11 Tragedy
of America, (Moscow: AEFIR. 170 p.)
A leading Russian expert
on China analyzed public and official responses in China to the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001. The book reflects the debate between
those in China sympathizing with the American nation in the aftermath
of the attacks and those rejoicing in America having been punished
for her “imperial ambition”. Professor Galenovich fully employed his
vast knowledge of scarce information resources on Chinese politics.
He used statistical tools of analysis and comments extensively on
the quoted statements and positions of both Chinese public and officials.
Thinkers for Tomorrow. Select Innovative
Curricula in International Relations and Security, edited
by Mikhail Troitski, (Moscow: AEFIR, 270 p.)
By publishing new original
curricula developed and taught in Russia and Belarus, the Forum seeks
to foster exchange on the substance and structure of international
relations and area studies programs among Russia’s new IR schools
and departments. This collection of curricula proved valuable to the
Russian regional faculty as a guide to the most recent educational
resources on international relations and security.